Color in Context for Architects & Designers
Following Juan Serra Lluch's Color for Architects book, university students from architecture and industrial design respond to real life cases with companies and institutions, and create a chromatic response to the challenge. Designing with color in context implies understanding the physical features of a space in concert with specific artistic, cultural, and social criteria. Presenters: Juan Serra, School of Architecture (ETSA), Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV) Irene de la Torre, ETSA, UPV Patricia de Frutos, Marina Valle, and Pepe Sánchez-Malo, students Master of Advanced Architecture, UPV Paula Ballesteros Cavero, student Master of Design Engineering, UPV
Following Juan Serra Lluch's Color for Architects book, university students from architecture and industrial design respond to real life cases with companies and institutions, and create a chromatic response to the challenge. Designing with color in context implies understanding the physical features of a space in concert with specific artistic, cultural, and social criteria.
FLUORESCENT FRIDAYS is a platform for university students from all disciplines to network with color professionals and fellow students, and to explore cutting-edge information about color’s role in our lives and applications in the world.
Global Student Chapter: The long range goal is to build a global student chapter that positions color as a multidimensional STEAM model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), sharing up-to-date color research by scientists, artists, designers, industry professionals, and university students.21st century color communication requires a commitment to building bridges for sharing resources, cultivating mentors, and creating new opportunities. With up-to-date information and useful tools, students become the next generation of leaders in ever-evolving color related disciplines.
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History of ISCC
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Cutting Edge Color Webinar Series
Color Impact Conference 2025
Fluorescent Fridays
Colorful Connections
Color Literacy Project
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