Structure and Mission

Board of Directors

The Color Council is run by the Executive Committee, an elected group of officers, and overseen by a similarly elected Board of Directors. These officers are elected to 2 year terms. The elected officers consist of:
  • President, who oversees the activities of the council and conducts board meetings.
  • Secretary, who is responsible for keeping the minutes of the board meetings as well as all other council records.
  • Treasurer, who maintains the Council's financial records and who serves as the chair of the finance committee.
  • President-Elect, who assists the President in fulfilling his/her responsibilities to the Society.

The Past-President completes the Executive Committee. The Past-President advises and assists the President over his or her term, and also chairs the Nominating Committee.

Organization of the Colour Council

The formal structure and description of the organization are contained in several documents:

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