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Upcoming events

    • 13 Aug 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • virtual
    • 36

    Colorful Connections is an opportunity to gather informally with other members of ISCC for a little socializing, networking and learning from each other. Discussions are wide-ranging and depend on attendees, their current interests and past experience. Consider this the online version of coffee breaks and happy hours at a color conference. BYO coffee or beverage and join in the conversation! 

    Note that this is Members Only event. Not a member, no problem - Join here!

Past events

15 Jul 2024 July Colorful Connections
13 Jun 2024 Colour Literacy Forum: The Interaction of Colour and Light
10 May 2024 Fluorescent Fridays: Local Colour Chart of Valdivia, Southern Chile — Color, Harmony & Contrast
26 Apr 2024 Fluorescent Fridays: Exploring Color’s Role in Visual Storytelling Experiences
23 Apr 2024 ISCC Webinar with Kai Kupferschmidt: Blue - Science of Nature's Rarest Color
11 Apr 2024 April Colorful Connections
22 Mar 2024 Colour Literacy Forum: Colour in Context
19 Mar 2024 March Colorful Connections
12 Feb 2024 February Colorful Connections
23 Jan 2024 ISCC Webinar with Elisabeth Berry Drago
12 Jan 2024 January 2024 Colorful Connections
07 Nov 2023 ISCC Webinar with Judith van Vliet
27 Oct 2023 Fluorescent Fridays: Lighting the Way: 21st Century Tools for Digital Color Design
29 Sep 2023 Colour Literacy Forum #6: Evolution of Colour Vision
15 Jun 2023 Colour Literacy Forum. Color & the Perceiver
14 Jun 2023 Danny C Rich Tribute and Memorial Lecture
12 Jun 2023 Color Impact 2023: Color and Human Experience
16 May 2023 Colorful Connections: The Afternoon Edition
21 Apr 2023 Fluorescent Fridays: Spotlight on RIT Munsell Color Science Lab
18 Apr 2023 Colorful Connections: The Morning Edition
12 Apr 2023 ISCC Webinar with Nuria Estape
31 Mar 2023 Colour Literacy Forum #4 -- Colour & Materials: Past, Present & Future
21 Mar 2023 Colorful Connections: Discussion on Color Impact 2023
09 Mar 2023 ISCC Webinar with Roland Fleming
24 Feb 2023 Fluorescent Fridays: Feb 24, 2023
09 Dec 2022 Colour Literacy Forum #3
28 Oct 2022 Fluorescent Fridays
24 Oct 2022 ISCC Annual Meeting and Godlove Lecture by Mark D. Fairchild
30 Sep 2022 Colour Literacy Forum #2
24 May 2022 Webinar - Timo Kunkel
29 Apr 2022 Fluorescent Fridays: April 29, 3PM EST
26 Apr 2022 Webinar - Mike Royer
22 Apr 2022 State of the Art of Color Teaching in Design Education
01 Mar 2022 Webinar - Nick Harkness and Paula Alessi
25 Feb 2022 Fluorescent Fridays: Color Quality Control: An Interdisciplinary Experience
02 Nov 2021 Webinar - Stephen Westland
29 Oct 2021 Fluorescent Fridays - Color in Context for Architects & Designers
20 Sep 2021 Annual Meeting, including Keynote by Bevil Conway
26 Jun 2021 2nd Annual ISCC Symposium on Color Education
25 Jun 2021 Fluorescent Fridays #4
12 Jun 2021 Color Impact 2021 - For the Built Environment
12 May 2021 Webinar - Kine Angelo
23 Apr 2021 Fluorescent Fridays #3
23 Mar 2021 Webinar - Andy Towns
26 Feb 2021 Fluorescent Fridays #2
20 Feb 2021 "Where's the COLOR?" Visual Identity Project (VIP) Student Competition Pre-Registration
28 Jan 2021 Webinar - John Barbur
13 Nov 2020 Fluorescent Fridays #1
06 Jun 2020 Color Impact 2020 Virtual Symposium: A New Vision for Color Education
05 May 2020 Sally Augustin presents "The Science of Designing with Color: Making the Right Choices"
14 Apr 2020 Shelli Sedlak presents "Light & Color with LED"
17 Mar 2020 Ellen Divers presents "The 'Blind Spot' in Architectural Color"
25 Feb 2020 Ruthanne M. Hanlon presents "Color and Culture"
28 Jan 2020 Ken Butts presents "ULTRA-PORTABLE COLOR MEASUREMENT – A Spectro in Your Pocket?"
19 Nov 2019 Webinar - Roland Connelly presents "Comparison of LED Lighting Adopted by Retailers to Typical LED Spectra Adopted by the CIE"
22 Oct 2019 Tony Stanton presents: Color Management in the Graphic Arts
21 Oct 2019 IS&T's 27th Color and Imaging Conference
24 Sep 2019 Ann Laidlaw & Jodi Baker present "Introduction to CIELAB"
20 Aug 2019 AATCC Color Management Workshop
09 Jul 2019 Webinar - Fritz Horstman presents "Interacting with Color: the Art and Teaching of Josef Albers"
21 Mar 2019 Webinar - Michael Webster
19 Mar 2019 ISCC Long-term Planning Meeting
17 Mar 2019 TAGA Annual Technical Conference Joint with ISCC
16 Mar 2019 Workshop: Josef Albers's Color Experiments
19 Feb 2019 Webinar - Kristen Dettoni presents "Print on Demand - Exploring the Market Opportunities"
09 Jan 2019 January Webinar: Jean Hoskin
16 Oct 2018 Webinar: Andrew Stockman
15 Aug 2018 AATCC Color Management Workshop
10 Jun 2018 Munsell Centennial Color Symposium
30 May 2018 Webinar: Lori Sawaya, Psychological Color Temperature and Color Harmony
25 Apr 2018 Paul Centore Webinar: A Practical Introduction to the Munsell Colour System for Artists
21 Mar 2018 Webinar: Dr. David Briggs: The New Anatomy of Colour
21 Feb 2018 Webinar: Albert Munsell - the father of color science?
17 Jan 2018 Webinar: Color Science and the Visual Arts
15 Dec 2017 ANTEC® Orlando: The Plastics Technology Conference
18 Oct 2017 LED - A Balancing Act - Don't Be Left in the Dark
16 Oct 2017 AIC 2017 JEJU, Korea
27 Sep 2017 Webinar: Color in Digital Cinema
11 Sep 2017 CIC 25 Twenty- fifth Color and Imaging Conference
31 Jul 2017 CORM/ISCC 2017 Joint Technical Conference
21 Mar 2017 ISCC Winter Webinar: Mark D Fairchild
21 Mar 2017 International Colour Day


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