ISCC Annual Business Meeting
Godlove Award Lecture by Mark D. Fairchild
October 24, 2022 2-4pm EDT
Presented virtually (Zoom, see below)
2-3pm EDT Godlove Citation and Lecture
Godlove Citation Karen Braun)
Presentation (Mark D. Fairchild, 2021 Godlove Recipient
Title: “Color Dualism and Arboreal Transcendentalism”
This talk addresses two topics. The first is the structure of color space and the representation of color thresholds and color appearance. Perhaps 3D color spaces are not always as helpful as they seem. The second part will introduce an ongoing project to photograph tree leaves through a growing season and document their changes using the Munsell system. This work will be part of an upcoming book.
3-4pm EDT Annual Meeting
Reports from: President, Treasurer, Nominations
Information regarding Color Impact 2023: Color and Human Experience
Updates from Colour Literacy Project and Visual Identity Project
Presentation of the Nickerson Award to Jodi L. Baker
Opening informal "Colorful Cocktails" Zoom social hour
Zoom connection information
Topic: 2022 Annual Meeting Time: Oct 24, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Or copy/paste to your browser: Meeting ID: 825 5913 0284 Passcode: 226683
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Mailing address:712 H Street NE, Suite 1640 Washington, DC 20002
History of ISCC
Structure and Mission
Board of Directors
Society Awards
Cutting Edge Color Webinar Series
Color Impact Conference 2025
Fluorescent Fridays
Colorful Connections
Color Literacy Project
Past Events