Fluorescent Fridays: Local Colour Chart of Valdivia, Southern Chile — Color, Harmony & Contrast

  • 10 May 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
  • virtual
  • 219


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WHO Professor Elisa Cordero-Jahr, Color Consultant Ingrid Calvo Ivanovich & Design students from Architecture and Arts, Universidad Austral de Chile
May 10, 2024, 1:00-2:15PM (US Eastern time)

Elisa Cordero-Jahr will present the project "Los Rios en Colores" carried out in the south of Chile with the aim of creating a color chart from the study of the colors of its nature: skies, seas, rivers, forests, flowers, trees, stones, and soils.  Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic will discuss the methodology carried out for the creation of 40 color palettes based on the colors collected in the project. Catalina García will detail the methodology used to collect, select, measure and systematize the colors that make up the project, and students at the Design School in Valdivia Florencia Rodríguez, Diego Araneda and Génesis Alvarado will review the chromatic design exercises carried out in the course "color, harmonies and contrasts" of the Valdivia School of Design, based on the color palettes created in the project.

Elisa Cordero-Jahr, Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic, Catalina García

Elisa Cordero-Jahr is a Graphic Designer, Master in Education and full-time academic and researcher at the School of Design, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Universidad Austral de Chile. She has participated in national and international creative and research projects on color in architecture and landscape, as director and collaborator, and has published books and articles on the subject. Currently she is  president of the Chilean Color Association, a member of the Environmental Color Design Group of the International Color Association and was distinguished in 2019 with the Woman and Landscape seal by the Chilean College of Architects.

Ingrid Calvo Ivanovic holds a PhD in Design Research at Politecnico di Milano and an MA in Image Studies, UAH, and is an Assistant Professor of the Design Department of Universidad de Chile. She is a color designer,  researcher, and epistemologist in the field of colour, developing methodologies for its study, teaching, and application in design, architecture, and art. Ingrid has presented specialized conferences and workshops in America, Asia, Europe and Oceania, and is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Colour Association (AIC), Editorial Board of the Color Research & Application, WoS Journal; and the Steering Committee of the AIC+ISCC Colour Literacy Project.

Catalina García is a designer from the Universidad Austral de Chile (2023). Her undergraduate project focused on the design of a graphic system to enhance the value of a heritage railway route. Currently, she works as a designer in a chocolate company.

Florencia Rodríguez, Diego Araneda, Génesis Alvarado

Florencia Rodríguez is a third-year student at the School of Design at the Universidad Austral de Chile. For her, color is a rush of energy.

Diego Araneda is a third-year student at the School of Design at the Universidad Austral de Chile. For him, color is the feelings found in everything around us.

Génesis Alvarado is a fourth-year student at the School of Design at the Universidad Austral de Chile. For her, colors are different energies and sensations.

Using the Natural Color System (NCS) to locate the color of natural materials

FLUORESCENT FRIDAYS is a platform for university students from all disciplines to network with color professionals and fellow students, and to explore cutting-edge information about color’s role in our lives and applications in the world. 

Global Student Chapter: The long range goal is to build a global student chapter that positions color as a multidimensional STEAM model (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), sharing up-to-date color research by scientists, artists, designers, industry professionals, and university students.21st century color communication requires a commitment to building bridges for sharing resources, cultivating mentors, and creating new opportunities. With up-to-date information and useful tools, students become the next generation of leaders in ever-evolving color related disciplines.

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