Keynote Speakers
Dimitris Mylonas Augmenting Color Communication Within & Across Languages Ongoing research on facilitating color communication within and across languages using online, field, laboratory and computational experimental methodologies. |
Cynthia A. Brewer The keynote presents color use for cartographic communication and an evolution to map design using geographic information (GIS) system tools. offers specifications for sequential, diverging, and qualitative schemes that match the perceptual dimensions of color with conceptual structures in geographic data. These designs help map readers understand the patterns in mapped distributions. |
Mark A. Fairchild Mark will discuss the last several decades of advances in techniques for describing and specifying the appearance of colors while providing some proposed concepts for putting all those pieces together for future systems of colorimetry. |
About ISCC and Color Impact 2025
The Inter-Society Color Council is the principal interdisciplinary society in the United States dedicated to advancing color research and best practices in industry, design/arts, and education.
ColorImpact 2025 promises to be a significant event for color professionals worldwide. Registration for the conference will open in the first quarter of 2025.
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